Leon Evans Jr.,

Leon Evans retired from Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Alabama with 30 years of service as Manager,  Performance Services and Operational Improvements.  Prior to becoming Manager, Leon facilitated work groups engaged in corporate projects to ensure the timely and accurate completion of corporate initiatives.


After retiring, he worked as an adjunct college instructor and taught a course in Quantitative Analysis for Management.  His early years of work history include being a Life Insurance Underwriter for the John Hancock Life Insurance Company in Boston, MA. 

Leon's roots in community service are long and deep; they began with his early years as a Cub Scout and later as a teenager serving with the local community church.


As an adult Leon has continued his service to help others. He has been a Junior Achievement Volunteer, a United Way campaign coordinator, a United Way Red Fellow Giver, and a partner in Education with Birmingham City School’s Adopt-A-School Program. Leon has stated that one of his most rewarding services has been being a Big Brother in the life of a boy who has become a productive man with whom he still has contact. Among numerous awards that Leon has achieved for his outstanding service are the following: Outstanding Leadership Award given by Parker High School and Honor for Outstanding Service from The National Management Association, and Honor for Outstanding Service from The Leadership Development Association.


Leon has also served as Board President of the following service organizations: Gateway Family and Child Services; James Lewis Tennis Scholarship Foundation; and The Optimist Club of Birmingham, AL





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